Let’s get regulated!

Ready to unlock inner peace that truly lasts? And say goodbye to anxious feelings?

To become an energetic match for a stable, harmonious life and relationships?

To learn how to respond rather than react to situations?

And to be able to stay regulated, calm and grounded within yourself regardless of what chaos is going on in your external reality?  As in have ultimate personal power.

Then welcome to my signature Nervous System Regulation Program!

You’re going to leave this program feeling empowered, secure, stable, safe and peaceful within your own mind and body, You will walk away with an abundance of techniques and tools at your fingertips to use whenever old anxious patterns arise, to help ground you back into a deep sense of safety and calm. 

My approach is second to none, leaving no stone unturned. This program will focus on these key areas:
- Learning to regulate your nervous system through tangible techniques.
- Clearing anxiety and trauma from your mind, body and nervous system using somatic healing techniques.
- Practising mindfulness and breaking through old thought patterns.
- Practical and tangible techniques that instantly relieve anxiety and rewire your brain for peace.

Total value: $1,554 USD.
- Instant anxiety relief techniques
- 5 Pre-recorded Somatic Healings: The Inner Child Healing, The Activate Courage Healing, Clear Anxiety From The Root Healing, Anxiety Felt Sense Healing, Connect To Your Centre Healing.
- Somatic healings to get you out of a fight, flight or freeze response.
- Nervous system regulation techniques.
- Practising mindfulness video.
- Tangible tips + actions to clear anxiety.

Lifetime access to the content.

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    PRESALE One-time payment ($555.00)$555.00
  • Preferred option
    PRESALE Split pay (4x $149.75)4x $149.75
  • Preferred option
    PRESALE Split pay (6x $99.80)6x $99.90

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xNervous System Regulation Program$0

All prices in USD
